
milk container

What is the Best Material for Milk Container?

Selecting the optimal material for Milk Containers is crucial to ensure the quality and safety of the product, considering both the required level of protection and preservation techniques. Milk, containing essential oils and fats, tends to oxidize rapidly. For example, pasteurized milk has a shelf life of seven days, making it crucial to find packaging that keeps it fresh at low temperatures. In the case of ultrapasteurized milk, with a shelf life ranging from 3 to 6 months, it can be stored at room temperature if the packaging provides an effective barrier against light or UV rays. Learn everything you need to choose the ideal material for a milk container!

Ideal characteristics of milk container

The perfect packaging for milk should be airtight to ensure freshness and protection against contamination. Additionally, it is essential to provide an effective barrier against light to keep the nutrients of the milk intact. Easy pouring without spills or drips is crucial for consumer convenience, and preferably, the packaging should be easily recyclable to promote sustainable practices and reduce environmental impact.

What is the best material?


Primarily used in the food industry, these packages are very lightweight and, thanks to technological advancements, allow for long-term milk storage without issues. However, it is crucial to highlight that these packages require a layer of plastic to prevent liquids from softening the cardboard, as this material lacks the impermeability characteristic of plastic.


Glass manufacturing requires silica sand, sodium carbonate, and limestone. This material is often chosen for packaging due to its recyclable and reusable qualities. Glass bottles, in particular, have a composition that does not alter the taste of the milk. However, it is challenging to transport due to its weight and, therefore, is more expensive to fund due to fuel costs. Consequently, while many companies still choose this option, most have decided to replace it with plastic.

Why choose pet for your milk container?

Better known as PET (polyethylene terephthalate), it is one of the most commonly used materials for manufacturing plastic containers and bottles. This material is characterized by being crystalline, lightweight, flexible, and very resistant.

PET offers many benefits for all types of products in the food and beverage industry. In the case of milk, it is a shock-resistant material that preserves the product at the ideal temperature and protects it from air, light, and microorganisms. Additionally, one of its main advantages is that it facilitates product customization. If companies take advantage of this opportunity, they can create an innovative design to distinguish themselves from the competition.

The Ideal Containers

Evaluating which Milk Containers are most suitable for your product is quite a challenge. To achieve this, it is necessary to conduct a market study that allows you to understand the specific preferences of your consumers. If you have any doubts on this topic, we invite you to contact us for advice regarding the packaging needs for your product.

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