
how recycling helps the environment

¿Cómo el reciclaje ayuda al medio ambiente?

Awareness about waste management has increased in recent years, and a very common question is how recycling helps the environment. Without a doubt, raising awareness about waste management is essential to reduce the amount of garbage that pollutes our surroundings. In this blog, you will learn what recycling is and what its benefits are for the environment.

What is it?

Recycling is the collection and processing of waste such as paper, cardboard, glass, or plastic. This solution consists of giving products that were considered garbage a new opportunity, transforming them into useful materials that can be used to manufacture new products, thus reducing the amount of waste that harms the environment by ending up in landfills or incinerators. Additionally, recycling helps conserve natural resources, reduces pollution, and decreases the emission of greenhouse gases.

Plastic Recycling Process

Recycling begins with the reception and sorting of waste. When we separate the different types of materials in our homes and then take them to the corresponding containers, we facilitate this process. Once they arrive at the recycling plant, the waste is sorted again based on its composition. Subsequently, in the case of plastics, they are shredded to create small pieces that will undergo a cleaning process to remove impurities. As a final step, these pieces are unified through mechanical processes, and new products are created.

How recycling helps the environment

Recycling is a fundamental activity to promote a sustainable society. Here are the main benefits it offers:

  1. Conserves natural resources: Recycling helps prevent the exploitation of natural resources, enabling original materials to be reused without the need to extract more resources from nature.
  2. Saves energy: The energy required to produce a new product is greater than the energy used to produce it from recycled materials.
  3. Promotes circular economy: The circular economy is a model of production and consumption that involves reusing, repairing, renewing, and recycling existing materials as many times as possible, to avoid waste generation and minimize the extraction of natural resources.
  4. Creates job opportunities: The recycling industry creates jobs in the collection, processing, and manufacturing of recycled products, contributing to economic growth and sustainable development.

At Plastimex, we are a sustainable company, therefore we need to manufacture containers with recyclable materials that contribute to environmental care. If you have any questions or wish to acquire the best plastic containers, contact us!

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